
IMPORTANT NOTE: My name is John Ned Kelly and I’m 67 years old. I have served honorably in both the British and Canadian Armed forces. I’ve been a Para-Legal for the last 30 plus years and have lived in Calgary since 1988. Pinocchios.ca is not the only website I author, and I can assure you all, that the contents of this and my other websites are the truth.

Some Pinocchios will tell little lies, some big lies. Some Pinocchios will tell malicious lies, some vicious vindictive lies. Some will (perjury) lie to the courts, some will lie in disciplinary hearings. Some Pinocchios can’t stop lying. Some Pinocchios have to keep lying to cover up the lies they’ve already told. But the downfall for all Pinocchios, is that lies will not fit facts. Lies will only fit other lies made for that purpose. All lies have an expiration date.

The Pinocchios outed on this site are Calgary based Politicians that desperately wanna be elected and those that desperately, wanna stay elected. and much more.

CRAIG CHANDLER MAR 2024 BREAKING LATEST: Chandler has started to initiate his latest scam. Which is taking over from the Take Back City Hall fiasco, his last scam. (more coming)

CHANDLER FEB 2024: Hardeep Sangha (Chandlers lawyer) has been placed under suspension by the Law Society and his client files are being redistributed to other lawyers. (more to follow)